"CrossFit Endurance Cert" 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Inflammation Dilemma ...Are Grains Good For Us?

As a support and shout out for my friend (Zoe Whynot) who has started a new blog….a MUST read…….eatpaleo4life.blogspot.com
I am looking at this strictly from the point of view as an athlete in training and preparing for an “Endurance” race/competition.
Grains no doubt have a lot of nutritious elements and components which no doubt can sustain us.  However they also contain other elements that have proven to be detrimental to the active athlete.  (An active athlete was described in a Running Publication as someone who exercises in his/her chosen sport 3 times per week for 20 minutes or more), believe it or not less than 3% of North Americans….Yes I Know!
SO what happens….??. Proteins when converted to amino acids we are able to absorb through the lining of the small intestine, into the bloodstream and delivered to our cells ….Ye energy…
Grains have a Protein that does not get broken down to an Amino Acid, the protein molecule stays intact and after time breaks down the membrane of the small intestine and get absorbed directly into the blood…
What do we do? We attack? Anti Bodies charge the Protein (Lectin) in turn causes inflammation and we are put in this cycle that continues on and on…In fact it only takes one hit every 14 days to keep this cycle going.
How does this affect me you may say?...Well most reading this will be strenuously working out, in some shape or form over the next few days at cross fit, training for a marathon, doing brick workouts or some endurance high intensity tabata protocol. When we do this we put our muscles into repair mode, we want our bodies to react accordingly and start the protection and healing process…
Well if we are in the Grain Cycle are we fully getting the 100% we need to recover and repair so that we can go back out and do it all again and again…I think not. So as our Grain consumption increases based on what our society is telling us we need to eat so the repair cycle gets longer and longer..This leads to fatigue and injury. What makes this even worse is that the Protein I am talking about actually has a much higher content in Whole Grains…..So next time you’re at a Sub shop and you order that 12 Grain Foot Long with all the fixens maybe a salad would or could be better.

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